Commissioned Art
The Tomb of Horrors
In 2019 Konstantin created a 130ft long by 20ft tall digital mural for a virtual reality walk through of the The Tomb of Horrors, the infamously brutal Dungeons & Dragons module published in 1978. Working closely with the project’s creator, Konstantin produced many iterative drafts while developing a style that blended the original illustration style with elements of fresco paintings. The mural was based on artwork from the module’s entrance hallway, only very few sections of which were depicted in the original illustrations. Where possible Konstantin matched and updated the existing art, and from there created original designs to fit the themes and motifs on the rest of the wall.
The Events That Follow
The Events That Follow was a low fantasy, serialized video game project Konstantin was hired to design a robust cast of characters for. The characters had been created and written by the project’s creator, and Konstantin was tasked with creating concept art that would reflect each of their personalities and roles within the setting, including considerations for their professions, wealth, and their interpersonal and familial relations. While Konstantin was given fairly specific notes on the character’s appearances on anything that was relevant to the written plot, he was also given a lot of creative freedom and was trusted to make strong choices with his designs. In addition to the entire cast of characters, Konstantin also created concept art for a series of character vignettes for an animated teaser trailer for the project.
Fuel Priest
Fuel Priest is a diesel-punk tabletop role playing game created by Timeless Caverns, which was funded through Kickstarter and published in 2018. Konstantin was hired to create a four illustrations for the book, depicting several concepts from the setting. These included two action scenes featuring the titular Fuel Priests—a type of pilot born with oil in their blood, allowing them to overclock their planes by connecting their bodies directly to them—an airplane design, and a creature called a Wind Squid. These designs were loosely described to Konstantin, and were required to be printed in grayscale, but he was allowed a lot of room for artistic license in how he executed the final illustrations.
Walk in the Day
Konstantin was hired to create concept art for a project titled “Walk in the Day”, a science fiction graphic novel. The story followed a group of humans who found themselves stranded on an alien planet, and end up meeting a species of small, nocturnal creatures called the Yrichii. The author provided some visual inspiration for the types of animals that inspired the concepts for the Yrichii, and from there Konstantin created a series of iterative concept sketches refining the Yrichii’s features, until the final design was settled upon. The goal of the project was to create a creature that was alien and unique, despite some familiar characteristics. It was also important to create a design that could incorporate lots of expressions and left room for variety, as they would be significant characters in an ongoing graphic novel.
Solo Pieces
This piece features a Deathclaw and an NCR Veteran Ranger, from the video game "Fallout: New Vegas"
A Dungeons & Dragons party, commissioned as a gift from one of the party's players to the rest of the group.
A portrait of a man wearing his favorite Penguin onesie, and his dog, set in the world of the video game series "Fallout"
A trio of creature's called "Grindalos" or "Grinnies", original creatures of Konstantin's design, wearing festive birthday hats.
A commission featuring the client's Original Character along with a dog, based on the bizarre 2011 film "Love on a Leash"
A portrait of a dog wearing one of her costume shirts, depicted surfing to match
A merch image created for a Sex Educator, as part of a sex-positive marketing campaign
A mug design created for a Sex Educator, as part of a sex-positive marketing campaign
A profile picture created for the Instagram account "Meme_Defense_Force"